Sunday 11 October 2015

Snow has arrived!

It is Thanksgiving weekend and the sun is out shining brightly on the fresh snow.  We have had snow off and on for a while now, but it seems like it is here to stay now.  Here are a few photos from my walk today. For those curious about food prices in the north, this week I bought a wee turkey from the Northern store for $30, a can of cranberries for $4.59,  a 5 pound bag of potatoes for $6.89, frozen peas for $4.59.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

 The satellite dishes which remind of the new Shaw Direct satellite dish I have sitting my living room.  I assembled it  this week, but am still unable to find anyone to install it for me!  I was hoping to have it up and running by election night. Shaw does not have anyone authorized in town to install, so I have to ask around for someone who might do it.

The walk down the hill to the downtown area and where I work.

A look back at my townhouse complex behind the blue GN building. The arena is to the left. The name for this mountain is also the name of my neighbourhood. Any guesses on the name?  Hint: It is named a piece of human anatomy :)

The sunrise taken from my front porch a few days ago.                                                      

The same sunrise a few minutes later..


  1. Wow! You really are my hero! Such a brave spirit!

  2. I really don't know what caused the snow circles. I thought they were beautiful when I first noticed them. Someone spent some time creating them and they weren't there the day before.

  3. beautiful sunset! love your pictures!
