Saturday 31 October 2015

Hmmm...what should I have for dinner tonight?

I have two grocery stores to choose from in Cape Dorset: the Northmart and the West Baffin Eskimo Coop, a.k.a "The Co-op."  They both sell many of the same brands of food one can find in B.C. The house brand at Northmart is "Compliments" and the Co-op has their own Co-op house brand. They have a difficult job bringing in food to this isolated community, and they both do a great job of providing Cape Dorset with a regular supply of food.  They will even bring in items, if asked.

I haven't seen any nanaimo bars or BC salmon on the shelves, but there are a few items that Newfoundlanders would find reminiscent of home, I am sure:  Purity brand cookies, partridgeberry jam and "Pilot Biscuits."  I recently heard on the CBC that a package of pilot biscuits saved from the Titanic was auctioned off at Christy's, I believe, so when I saw the row of pilot biscuits in the Northmart, I was intrigued. They look rather plain, however, but I am sure they would last a long time out on the land or at sea providing a valuable food source in tough times.

I have mentioned the state of fresh produce in the north in previous postings, so it's time to get to the canned goods!  Among the rows of the typical fare, one can find such gems as Quebec maple syrup, St. Hubert turkey gravy and an absolutely stunning array of canned meats: Klik, Spam, Prem, Old Vienna Sausages, and Holiday Luncheon Meat! The choice is amazing! :)

But my absolute favourite, and the one I am most curious about, are the cans of entire, complete  whole.....chickens - minus the giblets and neck, mind you. for $16.45.

Hallowe'en News:  Today is Hallowe'en and the kids up here are so hardy to be going out trick-or-treating in the -15 or so weather. The hamlet announced on the radio  that trick-or-treating will be restricted to between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., because of the recent problems with polar bears in town at night. Yikes!

 Just to make you feel warm and cozy, here are a few photos from the walk I took at noon today down to the bay.  As you can see the bay is starting to freeze up. As they say on the Game of Thrones, "Winter is coming, John Snow!"

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