Friday 6 November 2015

2015 Cape Dorset Print Show and Auction

Cape Dorset is called the "Capital of Inuit Art" for good reason.  Twenty-two percent of its inhabitants make their living in the arts and crafts industry through printmaking, carving or other forms of art.   Each fall the printmaking shop releases its annual collection through its marketing arm, Dorset Fine Arts in Toronto, and around this time of year, one set of the prints is sold on site in Cape Dorset where the prints are made.  Today was the big day, and I was fortunate to be able to attend the 2015 Print Collection Show and Sale at the print shop.

Normally, the event is packed with people, but today the weather wasn't very cooperative, and it was very cold (-23) with gusts of cold wind up to 60 km/hr blowing at the opening time of 5 p.m.  It was also Radio Bingo night, so perhaps that is why attendance was down.  This was all good news for me though, as it meant I wouldn't have to arm wrestle for my favourite print!

The prints were displayed around the shop on tables and walls, and surrounded by the tools of the trade.  Numbered post-it notes assigned each print a number and the sale catalogue provided the artist details and prices.

It was hard deciding on a print.  I knew I wanted to purchase one, if there was one that caught my eye, because I couldn't think of a nicer souvenir of my time here in Cape Dorset than a Cape Dorset print.  There were about thirty prints to choose from, and I really liked this one titled "Polar Bear in Camp" by Papiara Tukiki (Stonecut and Stencil) and the one below titled "Opulent Owl" by Ningeokuluk Teevee (Stonecut).

In the end, after much humming and hawing, I decided upon "Dog with Kamiks" by Ningeokuluk Teevee (stonecut and stencil, 59 x 50 cm).  I love the subject, texture, colours, and movement.  I can't wait to see it mounted and hanging!

Which would you choose?  If you would like to view the complete collection, go to .

Dog with Kamiks

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