Monday 12 October 2015

Hockey Season is here!

It's Thanksgiving Monday and my wee turkey is in the oven. The sun is so bright today, and I have just gone out for a walk to the little lake next to my place.  There I found a group of kids playing hockey. Only one has a stick, but that hasn't stopped them from moving the puck around. I am missing my Canucks, but I hear they beat Calgary this week, so it sounds like they are off to a good start.

Between the GN building and the lake is a row of "sea cans," as they are called here, storing a variety of supplies. It is common to see sea containers as storage containers throughout the north whereever supply ships can reach.

This photo doesn't do it justice, but the snow here is so dry, it sparkles like diamonds.

The little brook that I walk by on my way to work is now freezing over. I will miss its gentle sound...

The perseverance award goes to this boy for riding his bike up this hill with a slippery, snowy surface!

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