Friday 18 September 2015

Scenes from Cape Dorset

I work in a modern learning centre with four classroom, including a PC lab.  During the summer the windows are boarded up to protect the windows while the centre is not in use.

Community Learning Centre: Arctic College

The Centre is located right next to the high school.  Here is photo of the school taken a few days before it burned down. If you look to the right, you will see the low, blue building where I work.
Peter Pitseolak High School
I live in a 3-bed townhouse right at the edge of town on the top of a long hill.  This makes for a great walk to work, and a great workout on the way home! Houses here are built on stilts set into the permafrost.  What looks like a basement is actually a crawl space where the stilts and piping, etc are located.  

My place with its 14 steps up the front door.

My view out my back window is often of this fellow doing his carving.  Cape Dorset is known around the world for its fine carving and print work.  Something like 24% of the population makes its living as artists.

I can't end my post without a few more view shots! Here is a shot of the bay where the polar bear came into town.  You can see the blue and red  high school building in the centre right.  That is near the downtown area.
The bay at low tide. 

Here is a fishboat in the bay.

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