Sunday 23 August 2015

Sunday off in Iqaluit

An aging Komatik (sled) in front of a new building

I have met some very friendly people in Iqaluit!  While I was waiting in the airport for a ride to my hotel, standing with my mountain of luggage (1 suitcase, 6 large Rubbermaid totes, 1 backpack and a carryon!)  looking very much like the new person in town, a Newfy fellow came up to me with outstretched hand saying, “I see you’re from Victoria. Welcome to Iqaluit. You’re going to love it here. Good luck!”  (My initials and town are plastered on the totes…)

I wasn’t sure what to expect on a Sunday in Iqaluit.  Will the shops be closed? Will everyone be sleeping in?  I went out walking to find out and quickly discovered that most shops are open 7 days a week. Government offices and banks are closed, which isn’t a surprise, but the retail and food shops, and the museum are open. 

Healthy foods are subsidized through a program called “Nutrition North Canada” while non-healthy food is sold at full price.  The subsidy helps reduce the expensive cost of shipping.  Everything must be flown in, or shipped in during the very brief summer shipping season when the sea ice is melted.

I couldn’t resist walking along the beach of Frobisher Bay and dipping my hand into the water.  Yes, the water is very cold!  The mini icebergs are a bit of a hint. :)

The Internet is very slow here. I wish I could upload more photos…I will have to leave today with this photo of a local park. The parks here are sculpted with rock and stone, and this one is filled with a lovely collection of public art.


  1. First time onto your blog today..........great photo's and looking forward to reading more about your adventure up north! Having a great summer.......lots of family/grandkids vacations. Cheers, Sharon
