Friday 1 January 2016

Christmas in Nunavut

I haven't posted for a while, as it has been a busy time heading into Christmas.  I was in the capital city, Iqaluit, teaching an Arts Education course to a delightful class of students for the first three weeks of December and was staying at the nearby Frobisher Inn which has a movie theatre, a pub, a restaurant and mini-mart--everything the visitor would need!  I have a few photos to share of my time there. 
 There was a nice selection of furs on sale. 
Barbie with Amauti. She'll need some snow pants though!

Chalkers Beef Navels anyone? $29.99 a tub. 
This was hanging in the Frobisher Pub. It looks very authentic (NW Mounted Police was the precursor of the RCMP).
Traditional Ulu - meat cutting tool - with a caribou antler handle.

Santa Claus parade at noon - 1.5 hours before sunset. 
1:30 in the afternoon walk on Frobisher Bay in Iqaluit. 
Did I mention it is really getting cold here some days? -48 with wind chill was the coldest!  I'm calling this photo "Northern Self Portrait." 😁

Canadian North flight home to Cape Dorset.
Happy New Year! 

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